I already know what you're thinking... at least someone is thinking it. Where was the 10 week old update? Well, things have been hectic, and we were kind of holding out last week hoping to find out what would happen this week with Jackman's upcoming surgery.
Well, we're still waiting. We were told last week that "they are going to check him out again" this week. It's amazing how ambiguous that phrase is when it applies to your 11 week old baby who happens to be living in the hospital waiting on surgery.
We have been relying on our past experience since we have been there to decipher exactly what that means. The short of it is that they normally call (very short notice) the day they plan surgery. That means we don't know it the day before. We just have a time slot, like now, that we are waiting on that call to come.
So ever since the wee hours of Monday morning, we have been anticipating a call (that obviously hasn't yet come) informing us that today it the day.
That's a strange feeling. Think about it; how many of you with children would look forward with anticipation, excitement, and hope about having one of your own go in for surgery. Really, it's a trick question, because in the same scenario, I believe anyone else would as well.
Regardless, the boy is doing just fine. He's happy as can be, he's getting big, and gets all the attention in the world. He even had his own photographer come get some shots (which you will get to see soon enough). He had the nurses in a collective swoon as he hammed it up for the camera. They were all doing their level best to get smiles out of him. As soon as we were finished, I laid him in his bed and he was asleep in literally seconds.
Anyway, I will post again when we know something. That could mean after surgery, depending on when it is. All three of us appreciate all the prayers. Stay tuned...
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