I have been worn out ever since I got home. Good thing for me (or maybe not) that Robert has already blogged about the trip. If you want to read what he wrote, just visit his blog: Pertaining to all things Robertesque.
It was an amazing trip. I honestly don't understand how a person could NOT believe in God when you look at the creation He made. I have a lot of pictures, but they don't do justice to what my own eyes have seen. I just blows my mind when I recall how different the world I spent a week in is from what I see everyday.
The Mission was a success, no doubt about it. We helped get three new little churches started. Basically what we do is partner up with some local church people who are ready to spread the gospel. Your giving helps make that happen. We go with them to an area with no church (and usually, an area with no idea of the gospel) and we tell them everything, starting with God and His holiness, and the fall of man...all the way through Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. Some believe instantly, some don't. For those who do, we start teaching them the scriptures immediately. For those who don't, we keep visiting them throughout the week (usually, they actually appreciate that) and inviting them to join our bible study groups in the evening.
Well, this time we worked in the real deal Amazon Jungle about an hour and a half outside Iquitos. We were in a tiny village called Nuevo Miraflores. We did so much walking, I only made it to about 6 or 7 different huts while we were there. By the end of the week though, there was a thriving little church of new believers, and some local Christians from Iquitos who were totally committed to ministering to them. All three churches are going to have a profound an eternal impact on the communities they are in. When we left, we knew those new churches where in good hands, and that God had done some amazing work.
Hopefully, I'll add a few stories soon. Stay tuned.